
Useful Minecraft Links (personal awesome-minecraft)


My personal list of cool and useful Minecraft-related links: tools, software, mods, launchers… all created by the community!
I was inspired to make this list by bs-community’s Awesome Minecraft list
(Very incomplete list)
⭐ = best tool in my opinion
🌐 = online service
⚙️ = API
💬 = forum (Discord server, etc)
📕 = documentation, guide


Server control panels

Server software (Java)

The great server fork tree:

Proxies for servers:

Zero-Mojang-code reliance:

Server software (Bedrock)

📕 Server software list - A better and complete list of Bedrock server software on the Bedrock Wiki


  • CloudburstMC & Nukkit - server software made in Java
    • PowerNukkit - a modified version of Nukkit which adds support to a huge amount of features like water-logging, all new blocks, more plugin events, offhand slot, bug fixes and many more
  • PocketMine-MP - server software written in PHP



Modded BDS (built on BDS; therefore supports addons, vanilla generation, etc):


  • LeviLamina (formerly LiteLoaderBDS) - a lightweight, modular and versatile plugin loader for Minecraft Bedrock Server BDS
  • BDSX - supports node.js

Server hosting

The most well known ones (as there are too many to list):


Includes free plan


Game modifications

Mod loaders (Java)

Discover the mod loader lore: The History of Modded Minecraft by CygnusMC

Mod loaders (Bedrock)

Mods (Java)

Mod browsers:

Clients (Java)

Some clients are standalone, but most are mods, the only difference being they provide a bunch of client side functionality, and are advertised as clients.

Clients (Bedrock)

Excluding addons.

  • Onix Client - biggest Windows client
  • OptiCraft - optimized Minecraft: Education Edition with multiplayer support

Hack clients (Java)

Hack clients (Bedrock)

Launchers (Java)

  • Prism Launcher - an Open Source Minecraft launcher with the ability to manage multiple instances, accounts and mods (fork of MultiMC)
  • X Minecraft Launcher - an Open Source Minecraft Launcher with Modern UX. Manage multiple instances and mods! (+ support for offline accounts)
  • GDLauncher - a simple, yet powerful Minecraft custom launcher with a strong focus on the user experience.
  • Hello Minecraft! Launcher a Minecraft launcher that even works for mobile devices!
  • Curseforge launcher
  • ATLauncher
  • HelixLauncher - a fast, lightweight, nicely designed and open-source launcher for Minecraft (still work in progress).
    A comparison video of the most popular Minecraft launchers:

Launchers (Bedrock)


Software and Online tools


  • 🌐 Cubical - an advanced online editor, creator and viewer for Minecraft projects and builds
  • ⚙️ prismarine-viewer - web based viewer for servers and bots
  • Amulet - Minecraft world editor and converter, a better version of MCEdit (Java 1.12+ and Bedrock 1.7+)
  • MCA Selector - modify chunks of a Java world
  • WorldPainter - an interactive map generator for Minecraft. It allows you to “paint” landscapes using similar tools as a regular paint program.
  • Chunker - Minecraft world converter (endorsed by Mojang)
  • uNmINeD - an easy to use and fast Minecraft world viewer and mapper tool (supports Java & Bedrock worlds)
  • Amidst - a tool to display an overview of a Minecraft seed
  • 🌐 MCSeeder - an online tool to display an overview of a Minecraft seed
  • 🌐 World Size Calculator - calculate Java worlds’ disk size


World renderers:

  • Chunky - Render photorealistic scenes of your Minecraft worlds with path tracing, Minecraft 1.2.1+
  • Mapcrafter - high performance Minecraft map renderer (Minecraft 1.13 or less)
  • The Minecraft Overviewer - high-resolution Minecraft world renderer (Minecraft 1.15 or less)
  • NBT Studio
  • Image Map - convert images to Minecraft maps and import them to your world


Skin sharing:

Skin editors:

Models & Animation

Modding (Java)

Idk much about the Java modding scene…

  • MCreator - interactive software for developing Java mods

Addon development (Bedrock)

Documentation & Communities


🛒 Markets

  • BuiltByBit - formerly MCMarket, largest market from Minecraft-related services
  • Polymart - Minecraft marketplace
  • Bucket of Crabs - find jobs related to Minecraft (and other games)